Results for spec@!opengl 3.2@layered-rendering@clear-color-mismatched-layer-count


Result: pass

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Detail Value
Returncode 0
Time 0:00:00.139886
Clearing each layer individually
Probing texture 0, layer 0
Probing texture 0, layer 1
Probing texture 0, layer 2
Probing texture 0, layer 3
Probing texture 1, layer 0
Probing texture 1, layer 1
Probing texture 1, layer 2
Probing texture 1, layer 3
Probing texture 1, layer 4
Probing texture 1, layer 5
Probing texture 1, layer 6
Probing texture 1, layer 7
Clearing all layers of both textures at once
Probing texture 0, layer 0
Probing texture 0, layer 1
Probing texture 0, layer 2
Probing texture 0, layer 3
Probing texture 1, layer 0
Probing texture 1, layer 1
Probing texture 1, layer 2
Probing texture 1, layer 3
Probing texture 1, layer 4
Probing texture 1, layer 5
Probing texture 1, layer 6
Probing texture 1, layer 7

PIGLIT_SOURCE_DIR="/usr/local/lib/piglit" PIGLIT_PLATFORM="mixed_glx_egl"
Command /usr/local/lib/piglit/bin/gl-3.2-layered-rendering-clear-color-mismatched-layer-count -auto -fbo


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